
Session of the Pa i Tomàquet amb Tertúlia

The Gathering took place the 6-10-2014

David Fernandez

Member of Parliament for the candidacy of Unitat Popular-CUP

Meeting in which we had the participation of the following visitors:

Sr. Frederic Albinyana.- Administrator of Astra Iberica S.A
Sr. Ramon Baratech.- Director of the Magazine Fomento de la Producción
Sra. Amparo Castellote Alonso.- Doctor in Medicine. Radiologist
Sr. Sergi Ferrer-Salat.- Businessman. President of Ferrer International S.A
Sra. Marta Forn.- Up Art BCN
Sr. Oriol Guixà.- Chief Executive of La Farga
Sr. Josep Mª Montseny.- Journalist. Comunicació Financiera
Sr. Ferran Parera.- Chief Executive Group Petrobages
Sr. Jordi Ramentol.- Chief Executive of Group Ferrer International S.A
Sra. Anna Renau.- Architect. Partner of Up Art BCN
Sr. Sergi Rufino.- Businessman. President of Esbo Logistics Systems
Sr. Xavier Segura.- Economist. Partner of Tracis
Sr. Alex Tort.- Journalist. Publisher of Politics of La Vanguardia
Sr. Josep Mª Sanclimens i Genescà.- Lawyer. Managing Director Group BGI.
Sr. Josep Vilallonga Shelly.- Businessman, President of the Vilallonga Group